Did you know that October is breast cancer awareness month? Really, it seems as if every month is lately. The other night I noticed Ann Taylor has a pink ribbon on their window, and it seems you can 'shop pink' just about everywhere. The last time I was in Target (no not that time), they had pink frying pans for sale. I think some of the profit went to breast cancer research. I like pink. Not on a pan. Not that I really like pans of any color, actually.
A site I found yesterday is Pink For October. Why don't you head on over there when you leave here? (AFTER you get that BSE done!)
Which brings me to why we have this thing each month. You all meet here, do your monthly self breast exam, then leave a self congratulatory comment, and someone gets a prize. If you want a cute blog button to help remind you (and spread the word), then you are so welcome to it, and if you have been super consistent with your Club 17 stuff, you get the cute one (like I have - look to the left) with the crown.
All of this will make so much more sense if you read here.
I'll be back in a few days to pick a winner - be sure to do that exam and say ya did!
Your Comments
Great blog!! Thanks for the reminder.
Okay, I just re-read your message with a reminder from a friend not to speak hastily; I am sorry. I don't like corporate sponsors of any cause unless they are sincere and involved, but you, my friend, are not one of those and you simply care. And I thank you. My sincerest apologies for previous words, and my blessings and commitment to a cure.
I've put some breast cancer stuff my main blog; turned my cooking blog and my myspace page both pink for the month.
There's an interesting site out there (Think Before You Pink) that is actually against pink stuff, because they believe so little of the $$ actually goes to research. I see their point in some ways, but, I think any $$ helps.
Oh, and yes, I did my BSE this month- all clear!
Done and all clear. Thanks for the reminder.