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Another Winner!
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I am SO impressed with my cousin.  She just ran her first marathon. i know! just the WORD marathon makes me tired!  But she did, and did it well, and finished under her goal time and I'm just so proud. 

Yea HolyCousin!!!!

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Your Comments

LaLa Said:

Go, Holy Cousin!!! Wohoo!! Until you send photos, I choose to picture you running the whole thing with the speedy-splits style of Penelope PittStop, all in pink.

on Oct 24, 2007 9:24:20 AM
emily Said:

that's awesome! my BIL runs marathons, and i just can't imagine -- it's amazing. :)

on Oct 24, 2007 11:15:49 AM

Woo-hoo!!! 26.2!

on Oct 25, 2007 12:31:20 PM
p.selvaraj Said:

dear...i enjoyed reading your blog...keep it up...god bless you...i am naive at doing some blgging...i have one in blogspot.com...you may look for next step ministry...

on Oct 27, 2007 11:50:56 AM