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September Club 17 WinnerS!
Holy Mama! has moved to holymama.org, please update your links and feeds.  Thank you!

And 2 winners among you fantastically grown up health conscious Club 17ers!  LaLa and Emily!!! No, not my sister, LaLa, a different LaLa - who is a master recycler in the making, and who is having a rough week. Emily is of Sassy Lime fame, and was one of the first blogs I ever read.

And pfft. Of course there was no random drawing for a winner this month, you know me too well. If there is a one of you out there who is having that sort of 'oh no, i might have found something' sort of thing, then you are automatically the winner and receive my heartfelt prayers and whatever prize i can send. So, Emily and LaLa, if you will be so brave, please email me your addresses. I will destroy them immediately upon sending you something cute, because that's what I do.

(That sound you hear is the faint laughter of my sister, who knows how impossible I am at keeping track of any addresses for any length of time at all.)

Topic: in Club 17
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Your Comments

Shalee Said:

Oh congrats to this months winner and I hope you'll never have to send another prize to me under those aforementioned conditions...

on Sep 24, 2007 10:06:30 AM
emily Said:

whoa! i'm so excited! i'll email you... :)

on Sep 24, 2007 1:08:10 PM
Stacey Said:

Congratulations to the winners!

on Sep 25, 2007 3:22:41 PM
Melody Said:

Congrats to this month's winners!

I just wanted you to know that I officially signed up for my local "Race for the Cure" and posted it on my blog with all the donating info. etc.

Also, it's time for my crown...but I can't remember how to get it...can you send me the code? Thanks!

on Sep 26, 2007 4:44:00 PM
Vail Said:

That is sooo cute. I just wish I could get my kids to flush their own poop down the toliet!

on Oct 2, 2007 12:40:02 PM