It's been a week where I found myself saying many things I never thought I'd say. (Tough week.) But this little exchange sums up the recent events of our lives perfectly:
Caden-3yr comes in the house, carrying somthing I assume is dirt.
Me: Could you leave the dirt outside, please?
Caden-3yr: Oh, it is not dirt Mom, so I'll just put it in my room.
Caden-3yr: Duke poop.
Caden-3yr: No, it's in the house right now, Mom. (He moves his big blue eyes around slowly, just checking that he is indeed standing in the house with the poop, and wondering why I can't see that)
Me: Riiiiight. It IS inside the house right now, and that's a problem because dog poop SHOULD stay outside, where you DON'T TOUCH IT, and hurry up and put it outside so we can wash your hands.
Caden-3yr: Well, o-hay. (that's how he says 'ok') But I really think Duke wanted me to flush this poop down the potty for him, and that's all I was going to do.
Me: You said you were going to put it in your room.
Caden-3yr: Oh. Well. O-hay, THEN I was going to flush it.
I just want the poop to stay off the kids and out of the house. This week that was SO much to ask.
Your Comments
Hi, My favorite part of this post is the title - such a perfect stage direction for this scene. Of course, my second favorite is the chance to enter Caden's view of the world and logic. My third favorite is being reminded that I have experienced that same "Mom, this is so simple! Why do I have to stop to expalin it to you?" scene with my literal thinking child. Love, Mom
Oh my goodness Kelsey, wayyy too funny!
I totally hate dog poop too and wouldn't let it in the house either.