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Enter the Dog Poop
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It's been a week where I found myself saying many things I never thought I'd say. (Tough week.) But this little exchange sums up the recent events of our lives perfectly:

Caden-3yr comes in the house, carrying somthing I assume is dirt.

Me: Could you leave the dirt outside, please?

Caden-3yr: Oh, it is not dirt Mom, so I'll just put it in my room.


Caden-3yr:  Duke poop.


Caden-3yr: No, it's in the house right now, Mom. (He moves his big blue eyes around slowly, just checking that he is indeed standing in the house with the poop, and wondering why I can't see that)

Me: Riiiiight. It IS inside the house right now, and that's a problem because dog poop SHOULD stay outside, where you DON'T TOUCH IT, and hurry up and put it outside so we can wash your hands.

Caden-3yr: Well, o-hay. (that's how he says 'ok')  But I really think Duke wanted me to flush this poop down the potty for him, and that's all I was going to do.

Me: You said you were going to put it in your room.

Caden-3yr: Oh. Well. O-hay, THEN I was going to flush it. 

I just want the poop to stay off the kids and out of the house.  This week that was SO much to ask.

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Your Comments

mandy Said:

Oh my goodness Kelsey, wayyy too funny!

I totally hate dog poop too and wouldn't let it in the house either.

on Sep 30, 2007 3:36:02 PM
mandy Said:

Oh my goodness Kelsey, wayyy too funny!

I totally hate dog poop too and wouldn't let it in the house either.

on Sep 30, 2007 3:36:04 PM
Jeana Said:

Remind me never to ask you, "What's the poop?"

on Sep 30, 2007 6:10:46 PM
Teresa Said:

Yes life can be full of dog poop. Just got to flush it or throw it back outside. Love ya

on Sep 30, 2007 11:06:13 PM

I love that literal-minded boy. "No, Mom, right now it's inside." Riiiiight. He's SO much like his mom sometimes! (Not when it comes to handling poop, obviously.)

on Oct 1, 2007 8:22:21 AM
Ashley Said:

This is too funny! I can't say that I've ever had a kid bring poop into the house. But I have had one of my kids (the ones with 4 legs & a tail that bark) bring other animals into the house. The joys of parenthood!!! Thanks for the good laugh!

on Oct 1, 2007 7:36:42 PM
Linda Said:

Holy Crap! That is too funny!

on Oct 2, 2007 3:57:55 PM
HolyGuy Said:

I love how kids can make you smile and cry at the same time. I love that they give us these stories every day. God I love that.

on Oct 2, 2007 10:08:34 PM

How funny! I cannot imagene what goes on in the minds of little kids

I love your site here, I'll be back to visit again

on Oct 2, 2007 11:16:16 PM
J-mom Said:

Hi, My favorite part of this post is the title - such a perfect stage direction for this scene. Of course, my second favorite is the chance to enter Caden's view of the world and logic. My third favorite is being reminded that I have experienced that same "Mom, this is so simple! Why do I have to stop to expalin it to you?" scene with my literal thinking child. Love, Mom

on Oct 3, 2007 7:07:08 PM


Seriously.... this is the stuff you need to remember. Better to carry it than eat it.....

on Oct 5, 2007 6:30:05 PM
dog coature Said:

LOL, kids - you gotta love em'!

on Apr 28, 2008 7:05:26 PM
dog beds Said:

Very cut story, thanks for sharing :-)

on May 9, 2008 11:11:56 AM