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Just a Quick Note
Holy Mama! has moved to holymama.org, please update your links and feeds.  Thank you!

Busy day, today, so I'll check in again with BlogLand late tonight.

Must come up with a -preferably homemade, no sew - ensemble for Ethan-5yr's Wacky Wednesday. Have no ideas. Am considering duct taping empty cereal boxes to his clothing. Seriously. I must think quickly, because that is clearly a bad idea.

Also, must take Challenging Kid to meet with our pastor. Challenging Kid will be scared to pieces and not happy about this at all. Hehehe. I mean, oh golly. I hope that helps.

And? Most exciting is that Leanne at eWebscapes is going to put up the new gorgeousness of blogdom for me sometime today. Yea! No, this does not require any of my time today, except of course trying to check every few minutes to see if it's on. And that IS time consuming, actually.

Ew. Just ate a cat hair by accident. (They waft through the air around here.)

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Your Comments

Heather Said:

Hey Girl!
Hope the meeting goes well! Dog hairs float around our house, and right now my brother's new puppy is underfoot. Nice for him that he gets to be away while his dog is adjusting to new surroundings. Oh well, I'm really starting to be able to drown out the yelping. Really, I am...

on Feb 21, 2006 2:23:15 PM
Susan Said:

As always, I am praying for you!

Keep your chin up girl!

on Feb 21, 2006 3:15:13 PM

Hey Kelsey,

Would you do me a favor and send me your e-mail address? I would like to chat with you about our kids. :)

on Feb 21, 2006 3:49:19 PM
Owlhaven Said:

Cute, cute, cute new 'skin'!!!

on Feb 21, 2006 4:58:57 PM
Jeana Said:

AAAAAAHHHHHH I LOVE IT!!!!! Cute, *sassy* hip and happenin'! You're goin' places, girl! I even heard you won some award today?!

on Feb 21, 2006 5:28:52 PM
Lisa Said:

Just testing out the comments features here, to make sure they are working correctly, now that I've completed the upload and installation of your custom theme. :)

on Feb 21, 2006 5:36:11 PM
Emily Said:

love your new look holymama! it's hip. :)

on Feb 21, 2006 6:07:19 PM
julie Said:

Holy-mama! I thought I'd clicked the wrong bookmark. This is so very cool--congrats!!!

on Feb 21, 2006 6:54:31 PM
Geekwif Said:

Oh, I love the new design! I'm working on one of my own but it's not nearly so cute as this one!

I hope all goes well with your meeting with the pastor. I'll be praying for you and the challenging kid.

on Feb 21, 2006 7:22:56 PM
Carrie Said:

Love the new skin!

on Feb 21, 2006 8:49:25 PM
chelle Said:

Great new look!
Good Luck today!
I hate cat hairballs too!

on Feb 21, 2006 8:56:09 PM
momrn2 Said:

FANTASTIC!! This is PHENOMENAL!!! I love the look! It's GREAT! Thought for a moment I was at the wrong place. WOW

on Feb 21, 2006 9:04:44 PM
Stephanie Said:

Yeah this is great, love it!! Good luck with your child I will pray for your family too:)
I really need to get in tune with this blog thing now.....I don't even know how to add a link or post pic's in the right order??!!...

on Feb 21, 2006 9:41:43 PM
Faith Said:

You clever chick you! going to the Pastor would make ME shake.;D I love your new look.okay - so I'm jealous. whatever. It looks great.

on Feb 21, 2006 9:52:55 PM
Carol Said:

Oh, Kelsey! It is gorgeous! Are you just loving this? I'm just green...well, and blue...but you have carnation raspberry and chocolate and mint and lime. It's...it's...delicious! And the graphic of you at the top. Oh, I just have to have one of my own to keep! (So, did you go with Plus or Pro?)

on Feb 21, 2006 10:21:28 PM
Carol Said:

I have a suggestion...(like, can she ever not have a suggestion?)

See if they'll give you a little icon thingy to go up into the web address bar at the top of everyone's browsers. You have the generic Typepad one like I do, but there's some way to change that. I'm still trying to figure it out.

on Feb 21, 2006 10:25:11 PM

Very, very nice new look. Tres chic.

on Feb 22, 2006 1:08:18 AM
Susan Said:

I am so jealous! It's a wonderful new skin! Just makes me want to eat it up! :)


on Feb 22, 2006 6:35:15 AM
Mama B Said:

Love the new layout!!!

on Feb 22, 2006 9:07:28 AM
Heth Said:

Ooooh, it looks FABULOUS! Hooray for you!

I hope everything went ok with your son and the meeting with the Pastor.

on Feb 22, 2006 10:24:16 AM
Rachelle Said:

Yum. Cat hair. I'm almost jealous, but not quite.

on Feb 22, 2006 11:21:29 AM
Addie Said:

Hi, I just found your site and really enjoyed it! They did a great job on your design too! I hope you don't mind if I link to you on my blog!

on Feb 22, 2006 2:36:44 PM

Holy Darling!!!!!!

on Feb 22, 2006 7:56:08 PM
oreo Said:

Mom says we will be purraying for you & I say WHAT is wrong with a little cat hair????????

on Feb 23, 2006 9:06:52 AM
MusicalMom Said:

I love the new look!!!!

Check out my Thursday Thirteen @ http://music4mom.blogspot.com. :)

on Feb 23, 2006 12:07:18 PM